An open inguinal hernia repair is a conventional surgery done to repair bulging tissues of the abdomen back into their place by reinforcing the defect in the abdominal wall. Dr Noorbhai performs this surgery either through open surgery or laparoscopically.
Once under general anaesthesia, an incision is made in the groin, and the bulge is pushed back into place. After that, synthetic mesh is used to reinforce the weak spots in the abdominal wall. Finally, your surgeon will close the incision with absorbable stitches or surgical staples.
An hernia repair surgery is done when the hernia is causing nerve pain and discomfort in daily life. An open hernia repair is chosen when laparoscopic means are not possible. A hernia may also become dangerous if your intestines become twisted or trapped, which may require emergency surgery. Whether or not the repair can be done with minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery or open surgery will depend on the size and severity of your hernia.
Most patients are able to go home on the same day as surgery. How soon you will be discharged from hospital depends on whether you are able to drink liquids when waking up, how much pain you have and whether you have someone to look after you at home.
Following an open inguinal hernia repair you may experience the following:
All these symptoms are typical and are nothing to be concerned about. Re-consult if you have an unusually high temperature, chills, vomiting, swelling around the incisions, bleeding, you are experiencing excessive pain or cramping of the stomach muscles as emergency care may be needed. Approximately three weeks after your operation you will be seen by your surgeon to check your wounds.
You will be able to resume normal activities soon after your surgery; however, it is important to start slowly. If you experience pain during a certain activities, stop that activity. You may not do any heavy lifting or vigorous physical activity for at least six weeks after your procedure. You may return to driving after two weeks once your groin pain has subsided, and resume light physical activity after three weeks. It may take up to 6 weeks for a full recovery.
The risk of complications during open surgery include:
Suite 609 6th Floor Netcare Umhlanga Medical Centre, 321 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4319, Durban